donderdag 21 februari 2008

dianne Zaccheo

AD/HD Family Support Belgium


Europe’s Children – Our Concern (ECOC)

Invite you to an evening with:

Dianne Zaccheo, MSW FTC

Founder of the Coaching Centre London

February 27, 2008


Conference Room “Cervantes”

3rd Floor, Building A/B (Secondary)

European School III (Ixelles)

Boulevard du Triomphe 135

1050 Brussels

( = map)

Recognizing & Understanding Attention Deficit Disorder (AD/HD): What is it? What Works?

Participants will gain a better understanding of the biological aspects of AD/HD, learn about treatment approaches and behaviour management strategies for home and school, gain a greater understanding of the challenges facing children and adolescents with AD/HD at school, as well as young people when they go away to university, and get an overview of the tools and skills for success that will help them overcome these challenges. Question and answer session after presentation.

English-French translation provided if necessary - and refreshments!

Contact: Joanne Norris (0494/17 74 03) or Carolyn Pennisi (02/675/63 18) for further details.

woensdag 20 februari 2008

William James

quote from William James ‘Principles of Psychology’

‘It is possible that genius tends actually to prevent a man from acquiring habits of voluntary attention , and that moderate intellectual endowments are the soil in which we may best expect, here as elsewhere , the virtues of the will, strictly so called to thrive’

A Psychologist with real insight-

Here’s link to his wonderful chapter on habits, the importance of developing them.

The Principles of Psychology: Volume 1