maandag 19 mei 2008

Diane Zaccheo tonight

ADHD Family Resources and ECOC

Dianne Zaccheo, MSW FTC

Expert on AD/HD & Co-Existing Conditions

Founder of the Coaching Centre London

May 19, 2008


Room 107, 1st Floor, International Community Centre (ICC)

International School of Brussels (ISB)

Kattenberg 19

1170 Brussels (Watermael-Boitsfort)

ADHD: Current Facts and Real Solutions

In a continuation of Dianne’s very successful workshop on February 27, 2008, she will now bring the participants up-to-date on current thinking about AD/HD and give practical solutions to alleviate the affect of AD/HD on sufferers, parents, siblings, teachers, tutors, teaching assistants, learning support staff, etc. At the end of the evening, those present will go away with a clearer understanding of how this condition affects learning and behaviour in children, adolescents and adults. They will feel more confident in their role having learned some practical solutions and effective strategies to help manage these problems better.

Registration: 18:30 Refreshments will be available before the event!

Contact: Joanne Norris (0494/17 74 03), Carolyn Pennisi (02/675/63 18) or Marie Doyle ( ).


Entrance Fee: 15 Euros/10 Euros for ECOC members


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