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vrijdag 30 mei 2008
ADHD and absenteism
In belgium the researchers estimated the days lost by adhd workers (3.7% of Belgian workforce) as 16.5 days compared to the norm.
They noted the cost effectiveness of disability accomadations for employees.
post on adhd in the workplace here
maandag 19 mei 2008
Diane Zaccheo tonight
ADHD Family Resources and ECOC
Dianne Zaccheo, MSW FTC
Expert on AD/HD & Co-Existing Conditions
Founder of the Coaching Centre
May 19, 2008
Room 107, 1st Floor, International Community Centre (ICC)
Kattenberg 19
1170 Brussels (Watermael-Boitsfort)
In a continuation of Dianne’s very successful workshop on February 27, 2008, she will now bring the participants up-to-date on current thinking about AD/HD and give practical solutions to alleviate the affect of AD/HD on sufferers, parents, siblings, teachers, tutors, teaching assistants, learning support staff, etc. At the end of the evening, those present will go away with a clearer understanding of how this condition affects learning and behaviour in children, adolescents and adults. They will feel more confident in their role having learned some practical solutions and effective strategies to help manage these problems better.
Registration: 18:30 Refreshments will be available before the event!
Contact: Joanne Norris coaching@chello.be (0494/17 74 03), Carolyn Pennisi pennisi@skynet.be (02/675/63 18) or Marie Doyle (ecoc@gmail.com ).
Entrance Fee: 15 Euros/10 Euros for ECOC members
vrijdag 9 mei 2008
Next meeting is on May 14th
Alan Huyton from human resources to the cabinet will lead a session on planning and time management
Final meeting before the holidays-Wednesday June 11th
Kevin will follow up his excellent talk on Communication in the workplace for people with ADHD( click for link to Kevin’s notes on that )with a talk on resolving conflicts at work .
Family group Meeting
The family group and ecoc have a meeting on May 19th when renowned
Some Other News
-Survey Here is a link to a survey intended for people with bipolar disorder; I know some of you have contacts here, so perhaps you will be able to pass it on.
-Petition On Tuesday, Zit stil together with ADHD Belgium presented the petition on cost of medication to the vice premier and minister of health Mme Onkelinkx, she was responsive and interested and accepted the petition from us, so we are waiting to hear about that.
-Members favourite books Here is a link to the book mentioned by Ann at the last meeting on ‘simplifying your life’, currently only available in French, Ann says ‘Not directly linked to ADHD but full of small hints to make your life easier.’
Our ADHD group bank account was frozen last week under the 1993 Prevention of terrorism act
Hopefully, the problem is now sorted-